I see the transformation taking place before my very eyes
In my former career as a sales rep and sales manager, questions emerged all the time. I could see that collaborations did not work as well as expected and that my own performance varied in a way I could not wrap my head around.
I sensed a potential for improvement in the organisations I worked in. But in no domain did I have a meaningful analysis, let alone any suggestion for a solution.
As time went on, the desire to understand and be able to manage these kinds of issues grew so strong that the decision to become a psychologist seized me. As I learnt methods and tools at university, I tried them out in
settings in the workplace and I noticed that
they worked. And there we are.
An assignment can comprise an entire organisation or a management team, but it is still people I meet. People wrestling with the same kind of questions I used to wrestle with. People who want change and who realise that change starts with themselves.
I remember a manager who with a sense of gallows humour uttered “but what if I don’t want to change?” He did not have to explain that I should not take him literally. I realised that he was referring to the process, to the dense moments where he examined himself in order to find new perspectives and approaches.
It is a sensitive process where you might oscillate between curiosity and confusion, between hope and doubt. The process takes courage and an ability to override your pride. In our conversations, I am intensely present. And I oscillate myself, between validating and challenging you. As the process moves forward, I see the transformation taking place before my very eyes. I am certain you can appreciate that there is never a dull moment in my job.

Michael Soderling, Stockholm, Sweden

”It would not have been possible to achieve as much in such a short period of time without Michael”
Tobias Nilsson, President IDEA